Zoom Secure Multi-Party Computation Study Group
What, When and Where
We will cover the foundations of MPC, and later dive-deep on interesting hot topics. Wednesdays, 12:00 PM UTC, @ zoom, starting on February 10, 2021. Find out more in our Telegram group.
Each week we will meet for an open discussion of a paper/reference/topic. This will be recorded so you can watch it if you missed attending. We expect everyone to prepare by reading the paper/reference, and prepare some questions for the discussion.
Study Plan
- Week 1: Yao’s Garbled Circuits
- Week 2: BGW Protocol and Beaver Triples
- Week 3: SPDZ (malicious BGW)
- Week 4: GMW Protocol
- Week 5: Oblivious Transfer and Oblivious Transfer Extension
- Week 6: Oblivious Transfer Extension Part 2
- Week 7: Oblivious Transfer Extension Part 3
- Week 8: Authenticated Garbling
- Week 9: Cut-and-Choose
- Week 10: GMW Compiler
- Week 11: How-To-Simulate-It
- Week 12: TBD