Zoom Secure Multi-Party Computation Study Group

What, When and Where

We will cover the foundations of MPC, and later dive-deep on interesting hot topics. Wednesdays, 12:00 PM UTC, @ zoom, starting on February 10, 2021. Find out more in our Telegram group.


Each week we will meet for an open discussion of a paper/reference/topic. This will be recorded so you can watch it if you missed attending. We expect everyone to prepare by reading the paper/reference, and prepare some questions for the discussion.

Study Plan

Zoom Secure Multi-Party Computation Study Group by Jonas Spenger, 03 Feb 2021, last updated on 07 Apr 2021.
Tags: MPC, Secure, Multi-Party, Computation, Cryptography, Distributed, Systems, Decentralized, Systems.
There are likely some errors I have missed, please contact me if you find any.
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Next post: 10 Feb 2021 - MPC Study Group: Yao's Garbled Circuits
Previous post: 02 Jul 2020 - Verifiable BFT Consensus
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